Liebe Leserinnen und Leser, krankheitsbedingt heute leider nur ein kurzer Nachrichtenüberblick aus Asien. Am Mittwoch hoffentlich wieder mehr.
Links dazu anbei aus den englischsprachigen Tageszeitungen in Süd-, Südost- und Ostasien sowie anderen Weltregionen.*
Geopolitics + South China Sea + Diplomacy:
China-Africa forum: Covid-19 vaccine deals tipped to be on the table – South China Morning Post
Japan-Russia relations in perilous free fall. Tokyo-Moscow ties are in steady decline as strategic troubles have taken precedence over commercial interdependence – Asia Times
‘Secret Chinese base’ in UAE stopped: report. SUSPENDED: US President Joe Biden held direct talks with Abu Dhabi’s crown prince after satellite imagery showed suspicious military activity at a Cosco-run port – Taipei Times
Chinese, Russian bombers hold joint patrol, safeguarding world strategic stability amid Western provocations – Global Times/ China

China + Taiwan + Hongkong:
Was Tennis Star Peng Caught up in Xi’s Power Politics? Rumble with the Shanghai Gang may have inadvertently gone international – Asia Sentinel
Chinese tennis star Peng Shuai tells IOC president she is safe during video call – The Straits Times
Kissinger rules out Chinese invasion this decade – Taipei Times
Scholar calls on Taiwan to learn from Israel in field of defense – Focus Taiwan
Diplomacy China. China decides to downgrade diplomatic ties with Lithuania – China Daily
China’s new wind tunnel ready to shape development of hypersonic weapons, equipment – Global Times/ China
Domestic Politics:
Malaysia’s Opposition Coalition Must Radically Change to Survive. Bitter lessons from Melaka state elections – Asia Sentinel
Thailand. Leaked documents reveal government is revoking the passport of activists and artists. Thai Enquirer

Myanmar Crisis:
Arrest of Phyo Zeyar Thaw also leads to seizure of arms, ammunition, explosives: SAC information team – Eleven Media
MOFA rejects UN resolution over Myanmar as it carries intrusive wordings with no respect for sovereign integrity – Eleven Media
Jailed Karen Chief Minister Has Long History of Standing Up to Myanmar’s Military – The Irrawaddy
Myanmar Junta Soldiers’ Gang Rape Victim Reveals Her Ordeal – The Irrawaddy
Fighting Intensified as Civilian Forces Clash With Myanmar Junta – The Irrawaddy

Covid-19 + Vaccine + Science:
Indonesia Voices Concern over Global Vaccine Inequity – Jakarta Globe
How to survive quarantine: people with multiple stints behind them offer tips – and opinions on the rights and wrongs of spending 21 days alone in a Hong Kong hotel room – South China Morning Post
Unlock Australia. Australia allows foreign students to return as lucrative education sector dips – The Straits Times
Business + Economy:
Economy Japan. Opinion: Beware of Japan‘s ‘new capitalism’ – The Korea Herald
Economy Philippines. PH seen growing fastest in Asean-5 in 2022 – Inquirer
Thailand GDP expected to rise up to 4.5% in 2022: Finance Minister – The Nation
Airport India. Work begins on second major airport for India’s National Capital Region – The Statesman
Banking + Money + Crypto:
Money Vietnam. Việt Nam aims to become a cashless country – Vietnam News
Media + Tech:
Tech South Korea-US. Samsung’s $17b foundry investment plan in US imminent – The Korea Herald
The future of press freedom in Hong Kong. „Like so many illusions, this one is looking increasingly irrelevant with the unceasing drive to ensure that the concept of ‚one country, two systems,‘ focuses on one system,“ writes Stephen Vines. – Hong Kong Free Press

Climate + Environment:
Fair and Sustainable Fisheries For Better Future – Jakarta Globe
Culture + Life Style + Travel:
Vietnam holiday island Phu Quoc reopens to vaccinated international travellers – South China Morning Post
Korea Wave. Netflix’s ‘Hellbound’ may be the next big Korean hit – Korea Herald

Crime + Law + Espionage:
Drug War Philippines. Coalition hits ICC suspension of drug war probe as ‘absolute betrayal’ – Inquirer
Pakistan. PM Imran vows action against land mafia after digitized records reveal ’shocking‘ details – Dawn
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Kommentar hinterlassen zu "Mit Auftritt von Tennisstar Peng Shuai will China die Winterolympiade retten. Und chinesisch-russische Manöver erschrecken Ostasien. (Die Asien-Presseschau vom 22. November 2021)"