Jetzt mobilisieren auch Myanmars Mönche gegen die Militärjunta. Japan und die USA wollen Härte gegen China zeigen, auch Seoul bezieht Stellung. Vor Alaska-Treffen, Peking beschwert sich gegen Einmischung Japans. Am Parkett der Börse von Ho-Chi-Minh City wird es langsam eng. Der Nachrichtenüberblick aus den englischsprachigen Tageszeitungen in Süd-, Südost und Ostasien. (Mit freundlicher Genehmigung der ANN/ Bangkok.)*
Myanmar Crisis:
Myanmar Buddhist group signals break with authorities after violent crackdown – Reuters for Straits Times
ASEAN must stop Myanmar from becoming cold war theater – Jakarta Post
Myanmar, Election Commission officials from regions, states released after over a month’s detention – Eleven Media
Diplomacy USA – East Asia:
Japa, U.S. seen urging Japan to take firmer stance on China – The Japan News
South Korea, US reaffirms alliance with Seoul in countering Beijing, Pyongyang – Korea Herald
China urges US, Japan to stop interfering in its internal affairs – China Daily
US-China, Goodwill seen as crucial for Sino-US talks – China Daily
Security South Asia:
PakistanPM launches advisory portal on national security in ‚first‘ Islamabad Security Dialogue – Dawn
Quad, Editorial: Quo Vadis, Quad? – The Statesman
Water + Hydro + Harbour:
India and Bangladesh agree to expand cooperation over issues of water resources – The Statesman
Water Cambodia, Documentary on Angkor waters set for April – Phnom Penh Post
Hydro Laos, Preparations for Luang Prabang hydropower plant nearly complete – Vientiane Times
Port Sri Lanka, India’s Adani Ports to develop Colombo Port’s West Container Terminal – The Island
Business + Crypto Currencies + Plastic Waste:
Jobs, Singapore is 8th most attractive country to relocate to for work: Survey – Straits Times
Vietnam, 10 companies mull temporary move from overburdened HCM City bourse to Ha Noi – Vietnam News
Crypto, South Korea toughens rules on cryptocurrency amid market frenzy – Korea Herald
Plastic South Korea, est way to solve plastic problem? Just don’t use it – Korea Herald
Magellan, inquisition and globalization – Jakarta Post
Racism Opinion: Living with brown skin – Inquirer
Vaccine Bhutan:
Bhutan to receive the second batch of Covid-19 vaccine – Kuensel, THIMPHU – Prime Minister Dr Lotay Tshering said that India will dispatch the second batch of Covid-19 vaccine (400,000 doses) on March 22. Bhutan has already received 150,000 doses of the vaccine from India. The Prime Minister says the nationwide vaccination would begin on March 27 at 9am. Movement from one district to another during the week-long vaccination would be restricted but not totally stopped. „Those with genuine reasons will be allowed to move but our request is to not travel at all,“ the Prime Minister said. 470,000 people have already registered for the vaccination as of March 17.
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